Manage your client's Advertising for Mauritian audiences

Gain full control over your client’s campaigns while maximizing reach and results. Use our platform for FREE. Sign up, link your account to your client's, and you're ready to launch high-impact ad campaigns on Mauritian websites.

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Our Features

Incorporate our platform in your agency marketing plan.
Our platform has been designed on Worldwide best-practices, with the specificities of our local marketing landscape in mind for marketing professionals like you.

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Our Partner’s Program

Join our Partner Program to earn direct commissions and enjoy perks based on your managed account budgets, boosting your revenue.

Manage in real-time

Manage and Monitor your client’s campaigns in real-time from one convenient location.

Handle multiple clients

Efficiently monitor multiple campaigns in one convenient location. Easily manage all your clients' campaigns with streamlined efficiency.

Largest Local Network

Your ads will be shown on a range of high-impact ad placements on Mauritian websites in our network.

CPM real-time bidding

We offer display ad banners through a real-time bidding model, priced on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis.

Contextual Advertising

Digitalgo is up to date by being cookieless, providing effective advertising while ensuring user privacy.

Dive into our Network of Mauritian websites

From Top visited websites to exclusive niche blogs and local resources.

Discover More

Direct your client's campaigns to Mauritian audiences using our platform.

Join Digitalgo now and revolutionize your clients` brand impact.

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Monetization of Content in Mauritius

We browse through an enormous amount of free content every day on the Internet. The global average time spent browsing the internet on a smartphone is currently at 2 hours and 35 minutes and the vast majority of that content is free.

Programmatic Advertising: a new media phenomenon explained

Programmatic advertising is a powerful tool for brands and companies, be it on the local Mauritian market or internationally. The possibility to program adverts is a leverage that businesses can use to find the right customers, at the right time.

Overview of the Digital industry in Mauritius 2023

The digital industry in Mauritius is multifaceted. The evolution of Information Communications Technology infrastructure, and evolving cybersecurity protocols are the substrate on which this industry grows.

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