Our tailored Tech solution crafted for Mauritian needs!

Digitalgo caters to Advertisers targeting Mauritian audiences, Mauritian website owners seeking for website monetization, and Marketing Agencies managing client’s Local ad campaigns.

Who can use Digitalgo?

If your company needs to reach Mauritian audiences, if you are a Mauritian website looking to monetize your traffic, or if you are a marketing professional managing local clients' advertising, Digitalgo is a must-try for you.


Create and manage Ad campaigns for local audiences easily. Control your budget and performance through dynamic bidding and statistics. Set audience filters and pay only for results.

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Enter our Publisher's Network and earn advertising revenues from your website’s traffic. Our Plug & Play solution allows you to concentrate on your main activities while minimizing costs.

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Join our Partner's Program to manage all your client’s local advertising in one place. Create and oversee their campaigns instantly to maximize performance. Receive benefits.

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Learn more about Digitalgo

Our advertising platform pushes Advertiser’s digital ads across our Network of Mauritian websites, empowering businesses and brands to connect with their local audiences and contribute to the revenue of Mauritian digital entrepreneurs through targeted campaigns.

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Partners in our Program

Websites in our Network

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Monetization of Content in Mauritius

We browse through an enormous amount of free content every day on the Internet. The global average time spent browsing the internet on a smartphone is currently at 2 hours and 35 minutes and the vast majority of that content is free.

Programmatic Advertising: a new media phenomenon explained

Programmatic advertising is a powerful tool for brands and companies, be it on the local Mauritian market or internationally. The possibility to program adverts is a leverage that businesses can use to find the right customers, at the right time.

Overview of the Digital industry in Mauritius 2023

The digital industry in Mauritius is multifaceted. The evolution of Information Communications Technology infrastructure, and evolving cybersecurity protocols are the substrate on which this industry grows.

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