Local Digital Advertising made simple

New to Digitalgo? Begin leveraging our platform effortlessly, for FREE. Sign up, and you’re set to launch high-impact ad campaigns with our extensive, exclusive inventory of Mauritian websites.

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Our Features

Incorporate our platform in your Advertising game.
Digitalgo has been designed on Worldwide best-practices, with the specificities of our local marketing landscape in mind, for Advertisers like you.

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Real-time control

Take control of your bidding, budget, and performance in real-time directly within your own account.

Platform in RS only

Tailored for Mauritius, our network offers dedicated local customer support and operates in Mauritian rupees.

Pay only for results

You pay when your ads are viewed by the chosen audience. Pause your campaign anytime. Adjust bidding as needed.

Data centric insights

Our analytics empower you to understand the performance of your ads and gather information to optimize your ad campaign efficiently.

Largest local network

We offer a wide selection of high-impact ad placements. Narrow your audience with filters, categories and tags.

Global Standards

We meet international standards while addressing local needs. Our platform combines global best practices with custom features for our market.

Dive into our Network of Mauritian websites

From Top visited websites to exclusive niche blogs and local resources.

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We can help you launch your first advertising campaign now!

Shift to advertising autonomy, make your local advertising simpler.

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Monetization of Content in Mauritius

We browse through an enormous amount of free content every day on the Internet. The global average time spent browsing the internet on a smartphone is currently at 2 hours and 35 minutes and the vast majority of that content is free.

Programmatic Advertising: a new media phenomenon explained

Programmatic advertising is a powerful tool for brands and companies, be it on the local Mauritian market or internationally. The possibility to program adverts is a leverage that businesses can use to find the right customers, at the right time.

Overview of the Digital industry in Mauritius 2023

The digital industry in Mauritius is multifaceted. The evolution of Information Communications Technology infrastructure, and evolving cybersecurity protocols are the substrate on which this industry grows.

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